Professional Custom Accounting papers: The Political Contest over Reconstruction

Professional Custom Accounting papers: The Political Contest over Reconstruction Identify the legislation passed by the Radical Republicans in Congress in the 1860s that protected the rights of African Americans. Include in your analysis whether or not the legislation’s objectives were Read More …

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Explain the Supreme Court’s decision, its implications for the expansion of slavery, and how it limited black equality in the United States?

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Explain the Supreme Court’s decision, its implications for the expansion of slavery, and how it limited black equality in the United States? How did the Dred Scott decision impact African Americans? Explain the Supreme Court’s decision, Read More …

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Analyze the nature of the race in the past and today

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Analyze the nature of the race in the past and today HIST 1302 Core Assessment Instructions: Carefully read and analyze the following two documents and write an 800 word essay to answer the following question: Based Read More …

Professional Custom Accounting papers: What examples of symbolism can you draw from the way he describes how the Captain is represented and how his soldier’s mourn his passing?

Professional Custom Accounting papers: What examples of symbolism can you draw from the way he describes how the Captain is represented and how his soldier’s mourn his passing? Analyze the impact of plantation slavery on African American slave families.  Read More …

Professional Custom Accounting papers: How does Ernie Pyle characterize the Battle for Normandy?

Professional Custom Accounting papers: How does Ernie Pyle characterize the Battle for Normandy? What is Mauldin’s impression of war and how does he try to convey this to Americans athome thousands of miles away from any battle? Is his message Read More …

Professional Custom Accounting papers: How do journalists Pyle and Mauldin describe the war in Europe?

Professional Custom Accounting papers: How do journalists Pyle and Mauldin describe the war in Europe? Use the primary documents to research and answer the following: 1) Regarding the home front, what social issues regarding race and gender were brought to Read More …

Professional Custom Accounting papers: What were the various reasons as to why Americans favored America’s  entrance into the Imperial Age?

Professional Custom Accounting papers: What were the various reasons as to why Americans favored America’s  entrance into the Imperial Age? Answer the following study questions in a 600-word-minimum essay, quoting the documentary film, YOUR TEXT BOOK, and your three primary sources Read More …

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Discuss the significance of the source within the context of American history.

Analyze the primary source that is at the end of the directions.  You must contextualize the source by relating it to specific themes, trends, people, concepts, laws, events, acts of resistance, and/or ideologies that you have learned from the course material Read More …

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Explain the relationship between Akhenaten and monotheism

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Explain the relationship between Akhenaten and monotheism War is often a double-edged sword for nations that participate. When nations of Africa were pulled into World War I and II, what worked out well for them? What Read More …

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Why were the young people/students of the late 50s – early 60s so fed up with the society they lived in? 

Professional Custom Accounting papers: Why were the young people/students of the late 50s – early 60s so fed up with the society they lived in? At the same time the Cold War was splitting Europe and then Asia between Communism Read More …