Capstone Project Assignment Help on Budget Sheet-Nordstroms Ad Budget

Capstone Project Assignment Help on Budget Sheet-Nordstroms Ad Budget

Budget Sheet Add the online, mobile and social media components to your media strategy. Include a description of media integration in your plan. Present your media mix and flighting plan. Describe each component of your media strategy. Which media will you use and what percentage/amount of your budget will you spend on each: e.g. TV, radio, print, internet, social networking, outdoor, product placement, events, endorsements, point-of-purchase, word-of-mouth campaigns, and other promotions? (Provide specific examples of tv shows, radio programming, events, etc.) Provide a rationale for your strategy. Use percentages and the dollar number. 2017 budget was roughly 261 million. What can the direction of this go this year? TV Radio Print – Internet – Social networking – Outdoor product placement Events – Endorsements Point-of-purchase word-of-mouth campaigns and other promotions

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