Capstone Papers-Which is the largest branch of Islam? What percentage of the world’s religious are considered Sunni Muslim? Which major branch is smallest? What is the difference between these two branches?

Capstone Papers-Which is the largest branch of Islam? What percentage of the world’s religious are considered Sunni Muslim? Which major branch is smallest? What is the difference between these two branches?

What is a Universalizing religion? How would you best describe it? Which major religions are considered ‘universalizing’? What are the breakdowns of percentages of world adherents to ‘Universalizing Religions’ and ‘Ethnic Religions’?

What is an Ethnic Religion? Can you provide examples? To whom do they appeal?

Which is the largest branch of Islam? What percentage of the world’s religious are considered Sunni Muslim? Which major branch is smallest? What is the difference between these two branches?

What are the major tenets/beliefs of Protestantism?

What are the major branches of Buddhism? Where do they predominate? What are the predominant emphases in the beliefs in each branch?

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