Capstone papers-What problems did blacks in the South face after emancipation? What attempts did the government make to solve these problems?

Capstone papers-What problems did blacks in the South face after emancipation? What attempts did the government make to solve these problems?

  1. Describe the plans for Reconstruction offered by Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and Congress. What was the goal of each plan? How did each plan accomplish its goal?
  2. What problems did blacks in the South face after emancipation? What attempts did the government make to solve these problems?
  3. Discuss the various major strikes that occurred after the Civil War. Include the Great Railroad Strike of 1877, the Homestead strike, and the Pullman strike. What were the similarities and differences with each?
  4. What were the major technological advances of the post-Civil War era? How did these advancements contribute to the expansion of America’s Industrial Revolution?
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