Capstone Papers-What is the Law of the Sea? What are the distances involved?

Capstone Papers-What is the Law of the Sea? What are the distances involved?

Define ‘state’, ‘nation’, ‘city-state’, ‘nation-state’, ‘sovereignty’, a ‘unitary state’, a ‘perforated state’?


What is a ‘multi-national’ state and a ‘multi-ethnic’ state? Can you provide examples?


What are some places discussed in your text and PP that test the definition of sovereignty? Can you provide basic overviews of the various examples: i.e. Crimea, Senkaku Islands, Western Sahara…?


What is the Law of the Sea? What are the distances involved?


What happened at the Versailles Conference with regards to Europe and space?


Can you provide examples and overviews of the ‘break up’ of the Czechoslovakia and the USSR?

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