Capstone Papers-What is the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? What might be the factors for the change in this equilibrium?

Capstone Papers-What is the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? What might be the factors for the change in this equilibrium?

  1. What is the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium? What might be the factors for the change in this equilibrium?
  1. Discuss the relationship between polymorphism and adaptation: are skin color and body morphology really reflective of physical adaptation to the environment. How about culture? Argue for or against.
  1. Discuss the interaction between the influences of disease combined with environment on human populations. Include in your discussion both genetic (Tay-Sachs, Sickle Cell anemia) and non-genetic (the usual suspects from AIDS to cancer to smallpox) diseases.
  1. Explain the general procedures of forensic science, building from the bone structure to the actual body. You might include in your discussion how the Iceman was reconstructed. How does that aid criminal investigations?
  1. Explain sexual dimorphism among human populations when it comes to secondary characteristics (all differences apart from genitalia). In other words, what separates the boys from the girls (of all ages, of course)?
  1. Discuss the issues regarding Neanderthal, including whether they are a separate species from ourselves, whether they could plan ahead, whether they had compassion and a sense of the afterlife, and whether their tool-making and tool use capacity were equal to our
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