Capstone Papers-What are the consequences of the inflection point or conflict? How are the characters or setting affected?

Capstone Papers-What are the consequences of the inflection point or conflict? How are the characters or setting affected?

Choose one of the following inspirational themes on which to base your story.

  1. Earth and Beyond
  2. The Future of Food
  3. Smarter, Stronger, Faster
  4. The City of Tomorrow
  5. The Incredible Shrinking Computer
  6. The Future of Your Mind

Who are the main characters? Where do they live? When? Select a date that is just on the other side of plausibility.

Choose a technology you are worried or excited about. What happens in the story that causes that same concern or excitement?

What are the consequences of the inflection point or conflict? How are the characters or setting affected? 

How do the main characters adapt to what is going on? How do they change? What decision do they


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