Capstone Papers-The PPACA of 2010

Capstone Papers-The PPACA of 2010

The PPACA of 2010

PPACA of 2010 brought many changes to the types of provider organizations available. ACOs and PCMHs are two new organizations formed under PPACA. Using the readings this week, discuss the origin, structure, and purpose of the new organizations formed under PPACA

Using the Internet, search three articles from the list below and evaluate the challenges and opportunities facing payers and providers as ACOs and PCMHs are implemented

Baird, M. A. (2011). The patient-center medical home and managed care: Times have changed, some components have not.

Bolin, J. N., Gamm, L., Vest, J. R., Edwardson, N., & Miller, T. R. (2011). Patient-centered medical homes: Will health care reform provide new options for rural communities and providers? Family & Community Health, 34(2), 93–101.

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