Capstone Papers-How does Brazil break down its population in terms of racial or ethnic categories?

Capstone Papers-How does Brazil break down its population in terms of racial or ethnic categories?

How does Race differ from Ethnicity, according to your text? How do you best distinguish between race and ethnicity?

In the US, are there any major ethnicity clusters or regions that we might point to? Mexican-Americans; Cajuns; Cuban Americans; Scandinavians…?

How does Brazil break down its population in terms of racial or ethnic categories?

The majority of Asian Americans reside in which part of the US?

What direction(s) did the Great Migration of the African Americans inside the US? From where to where and why?

The US Supreme Court case on ‘separate but equal’ essentially did what?

What country did Josip Broz Tito envision to have a national identity that included the following five ethnicities: Croat, Macedonian, Montenegrin, Serb, and Slovene?

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