Capstone Papers-ecological patterns.

Capstone Papers-ecological patterns.

The first step in developing your presentation is to make an observation of a pattern or process in nature. Visit a local park, nature reserve, or even your own backyard, and note any patterns that strike you (e.g., a plant or animal species that seems to occur regularly in a particular habitat or differences in the way a plant grows from place to place). You might also observe ecological patterns as you travel to work. Ask yourself,

“What human or natural factors may have influenced the pattern I have just observed?” Then, formulate a hypothesis based on your observation and develop a plan to test your hypothesis. Will you use a laboratory, field, or natural experiment? What will be the independent and dependent variables in your experiment? Obviously, you will not be able to actually test the hypothesis and gather data, but your presentation work can get you close!

Remember to use reliable sources on the Internet. There is a lot of misinformation out there and finding reliable information can be difficult. Be sure to cite your sources of information and any images or graphics that you use.

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