Dissertation Writers: Describe the key climate change conditions you see in 2050 in generally descriptive terms

Dissertation Writers: Describe the key climate change conditions you see in 2050 in generally descriptive terms

Assume the year is 2050 – about 30 years from today. Describe the key climate change conditions you see in 2050 in generally descriptive terms and in terms of the RCP levels closest to those conditions. Engage the four “linking themes” of Food, Energy, Water and Human Health and provide key emergent indicators for the description of the policy, engineering and/or economic solutions determining those future projections.

In this question, climate change is the driving force influencing connections between Food, Energy, Water and Health. It assumes a rather general level of analysis for each of the theme areas, but requires a characterization of how climate change influences the four themes and how change within and between the themes is synergistic and dynamic. Further, we do not feel it possible to assess fully this question if you try to build your argument of the influence of climate change on the linking themes generally and at the global level.

You will need to find a more limited and bounded view of this question that affords you the ability to build some detail into the analysis. This means limiting the geography or focusing on one of the four themes as the primary connection to climate change with the other three linking themes assessed as “secondary” or “associated” consequences.

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