Capstone Papers-Describe the explosive growth of urbanization in the late nineteenth century. What factors led to this growth, and where did the largest growth take place?

Capstone Papers-Describe the explosive growth of urbanization in the late nineteenth century. What factors led to this growth, and where did the largest growth take place?

  1. One might say that the West actually consisted of three frontiers: the miners’, the cowboys’, and the farmers’. What problems did each of these groups face?
  2. Describe the government’s policy toward Indians. How did this policy develop over the years, and what were the main factors that influenced its development?
  3. Discuss how immigration to America changed in the latter half of the nineteenth century, and what was the response to that change?
  4. Describe the explosive growth of urbanization in the late nineteenth century. What factors led to this growth, and where did the largest growth take place?
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