Capstone Papers-Congress and the Trump administration are slowly dismantling the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Should we try to keep the ACA or try something else? If so, what else?

Capstone Papers-Congress and the Trump administration are slowly dismantling the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Should we try to keep the ACA or try something else? If so, what else?

Congress and the Trump administration are slowly dismantling the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Should we try to keep the ACA or try something else? If so, what else?

· Write an opinion in response to a current newspaper article or op/ed piece.

· The article must be less than one year old.

· Do not use ‘press releases.’ These generally accompany the data releases by the issuing agencies or corporations.

 · Rule of thumb: Do not use websites (one exception is PBS). 

 · Opinion: Tell me what you think about the issue. Opinion is NOT a summary of the facts or what the author thinks.

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