Capstone Papers-Cognitive Psychology

Capstone Papers-Cognitive Psychology

decision-making and the heuristics that can influence decision-making. Your essay should be well organized, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful. You should incorporate information from your course textbook and one other credible academic source to support your essay.

In this unit you learned that decisions can be influenced by heuristics, in particular the representative heuristic, the availability heuristic and the anchoring and adjustment heuristic. In this Assignment you are going to create three different case studies illustrating situations where a client has used each of these heuristics to make a decision.

You will describe the clients’ thought processes involved in using each heuristic to make a decision. For each case study, you will discuss whether the heuristic led the client to a good or bad decision. Finally, you should discuss how you would demonstrate professionalism as a psychologist working with a client who has made a bad decision due to a decision-making heuristic. In particular, you should explain how you would convey characteristics such as reliability, accountability and timeliness to your client.

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