Capstone Papers-Choose one of the projects of the Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan. Explain what the project is and how technology is being used to address environmental concerns of this ecosystem.

Capstone Papers-Choose one of the projects of the Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan. Explain what the project is and how technology is being used to address environmental concerns of this ecosystem.

Find a newspaper or internet article about new developments in environmental technology and predictions for the future. Write about your discoveries.

Choose one of the projects of the Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan. Explain what the project is and how technology is being used to address environmental concerns of this ecosystem.

There are cultural differences in technology practices that have been adopted. For example, Europe utilizes more renewable energy technology practices than the United States does. Discuss some of the cultural differences and the factors that contribute to them.

Select an environmental technology that you are interested in learning more about and address the following questions:
a. What specific environmental issue was the technology created for?
b. How has this technology impacted the environment? Discuss both the negative and positive effects that it has had on the environment.
c. What factors were used to determine the effectiveness of this technology?
d. What is the outlook for future use of this technology?

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