Capstone Papers-Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery Planning

Capstone Papers-Business Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery Planning

At the end of 2006, a new edition of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) went into effect. Briefly, provide some background information about the FRCP.

What are the significant elements of the FRCP? What effect does it had on electronically store information (ESI)? What impact or benefit does it have on eDisovery and computer forensics?

Elaborate on all points. Giving that the procedure went into effect in 2006, do you think its guidance is still applicable today? If so, explain why. If not, articulate it is obsolete today.

If you had the authority spearhead the 2018 FRCP procedure, what is one component you would add? Elaborate why you think this is important to include.

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