Dissertation Writers: Briefly explain how the financial statement preparers, users, and other interested parties are involved in the standard setting process for U.S.

Dissertation Writers: Briefly explain how the financial statement preparers, users, and other interested parties are involved in the standard setting process for U.S.

Make sure your response addressing the following question  and you include an in-text citation or a brief quote from the reading material where appropriate.

Briefly explain how the financial statement preparers, users, and other interested parties are involved in the standard setting process for U.S.

  1. What is the accounting problem that the Linbarger Company faces?
  2. What are the ethical considerations in this case? Provide rationale for why these are ethical considerations.
  3. What are the negative impacts that can happen if you do not follow Lisa Infante’s instructions to wait one more day to post the balance?
  4. Who will be negatively impacted if you do comply? Provide a rationale for why these individuals will be impacted.
  5. What is one alternative that you could pursue in this scenario? Support your recommendations with information you learned in this class.
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