How cannabis can improve mental disorders

For this assignment, students will select a topic related to the topics in this course (psychology, behavioral science) and write a research proposal. Students will also create a poster presentation for their proposal.

PAPER Due before class on 1/29.

Part 1: Introduction

This portion defines relevant terms and describes the findings in the field about the chosen topic (summarize information from sources in your own words).

Part 2: Identify a research question

Based on part 1, this section identifies a research question of interest

Part 3: Study Proposal

This portion describes a possible study to answer the research question. It could be an experiment, naturalistic observation, case study, survey, etc.  It should specify

a. participants – what population will be sampled, and how many

b. manipulations or task – what would participants do?

c. measurements – what would the dependent and independent variables be?

Finally, what do you think would be the results of this study?

The paper will be in APA format. It will use a minimum of 6 different references. It is NOT necessary for the references to be from academic journals, but it is important that at least a couple of them describe psychological studies (not be just opinions or general information). Students are encouraged to use the library and consult with the instructor. Use of the writing lab is encouraged.

The specified length is 2200 words.

Tip: in selecting a topic, it is a good idea to pare it down to a manageable scope. For example, a student may be interested in alcohol use disorder. That topic would be too broad for a single assignment. After reading and thinking, the student may decide to write on issues with delivering alcohol counseling to adult Native Americans who live on reserve. Or for example it could be about finding ways to predict which teens in public schools will develop alcohol use disorder in the future.

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