Buy Essay-English Application Essay: “Jumesha is a sister to two brothers and a sister.” Make this a complete paragraph.

After you have completed all of the Week 2 Learning Activities, write a 2-page (650 word minimum) essay describing yourself—in the third person—as a writing student. This is Portfolio Paper 1. It is worth 100 points out of a total of 1000 for the course. The grading rubric is simple: Turn it in, at least 650 words, and earn 100 points. Don’t turn it in, and receive a failing grade for the course.

Your essay should have at least 3 paragraphs:

  • Paragraph 1. Using some of the material from your self-introduction, write a description of yourself as a person. “James is a football player.” Or “Jumesha is a sister to two brothers and a sister.” Make this a complete paragraph.
  • Paragraph 2. After reading and reflecting on Helen Keller’s essay, write a paragraph about yourself (in the third person!) as a writer. “Kelsey hates writing essays. She can’t think of anything to say!” Or, “Tyler loves to write emails to his grandmother in Texas. But he gets discouraged about his writing assignments in school because the teacher always criticizes his vocabulary and punctuation.” Make this a complete paragraph.
  • Paragraph 3: Write a paragraph (still in the third person!) about what you expect to learn in this class. “Tracy wants to learn more about using outside sources to support claims.” Or “Sam wants to learn how to turn thoughts into complete paragraphs.” Make this a complete paragraph.

Type the final draft of this essay in a Word Document (if you use Google Docs or some other word processing software, Save As or Download your essay as a Word document with the file extension .docx) and upload it using the “Choose File” button on the File Upload option BEFORE the end of Unit 2. DO NOT copy and paste (or type) your papers into the text or comment window.


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