Buy Coursework: Coursework Writing- What does the concept of quorum sensing mean for virulence and disease in humans?

Buy Coursework: Coursework Writing- What does the concept of quorum sensing mean for virulence and disease in humans?

  1. How would you define quorum sensing in bacteria?
  2. How can quorum sensing improve nutrient delivery to bacteria?
  3. Not all bacterial relationships are harmful like the example Dr. Bassler gave for the squid and bacterial bioluminescence. Describe an example of a microbial relationship in the human body that is beneficial. Which body system is involved (intestinal tract, skin, etc.)? Which bacterial species is involved? How is it beneficial for both the bacterium and host?
  4. What does the concept of quorum sensing mean for virulence and disease in humans?
  5. Based on Dr. Bassler’s research on quorum sensing, what might the “next generation” of antibiotics look like? How might they work?
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