Buy Coursework: Coursework Writing- What are you greatest fears about this birth?

Buy Coursework: Coursework Writing- What are you greatest fears about this birth?

What are you greatest fears about this birth?



13) In the event of an unanticipated C-Section, what things would be most important to you?

14) What are the most stressful aspects of your life? How do you counteract this stress?

15) What is your occupation? Partner’s?

16) Have you experienced any significant losses (i.e. death of a parent, sibling, divorce, loss of birth family through adoption, etc.)

17) Who do you turn to for support?

18) Tell me about a time when you felt especially calm. What were the circumstances?

19) Tell me about a time when you felt especially powerful. What were the circumstances?

20) In painful situations, how do you seek comfort? (i.e. companionship, activity, quiet, turning inward, making noise, rhythmic movement, distraction, etc.)

21) When frightened, how do you regain a sense of calmness? (i.e. deep breathing, deliberate relaxation, reassurance from others, visualization, information gathering, etc.)

22) In labor, what coping techniques do you anticipate using? (i.e. walking, music, nature sound machine, relaxation, shower/bath, massage, rocking, position changes, encouragement, moaning, visualization, etc.)

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