Buy Coursework: Coursework Writing- Examine the advantages and disadvantages of using the goal-driven model

Buy Coursework: Coursework Writing- Examine the advantages and disadvantages of using the goal-driven model

“Model Synthesis” Please respond to the following:

  • Examine the advantages and disadvantages of using the goal-driven model. Propose how you would assess the success factors of the goal-driven model synthesis.
  • Examine the advantages and disadvantages of using a scenario-driven model synthesis approach as a formal specification of mission-critical goals, domain properties and operations. Propose how you would assess the success factors of the scenario-driven model synthesis.

Examine the advantages and disadvantages of using the goal-driven model. Propose how you would assess the success factors of the goal-driven model synthesis.

Fig. 1 Advantages & Disadvantages of Goal-Driven Model



Goal-Driven Model

  • Automatic compilation of parallel set of admissible behaviors for system components
  • Ability to view an animation of how the model handles input events
  • The process of arriving at an automatic compilation is a complex methodical process.

Examine the advantages and disadvantages of using a scenario-driven model synthesis approach as a formal specification of mission-critical goals, domain properties and operations. Propose how you would assess the success factors of the scenario-driven model synthesis.

Fig. 2 Advantages & Disadvantages of Scenario-Driven Synthesis Model



Scenario-Driven Model Synthesis

  • The requirements engineer (RE) can officially define state machines without having to generalize the scenarios
  • If the specification of scenarios does not include formal state conditions, then the RE has to obtain them, which may not be easy.


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