Buy Coursework: Coursework Writing- Constitutionality of Voting Process-Cross burning has been a controversial issue for many years. Do you believe cross burning is a good or bad form of expression

Buy Coursework: Coursework Writing- Constitutionality of Voting Process-Cross burning has been a controversial issue for many years. Do you believe cross burning is a good or bad form of expression

Discussion Question 1

Constitutionality of Voting Process

In the context of Bush v. Gore, 531 U.S. 98 (2000), state whether there was a violation of equal protection guarantees. In your opinion, is it possible that factors such as human error, individual subjectivity, and decisions to determine voter intent undermine the integrity of manual counting?

Provide statistical data, sociological findings, research, or important case law to support your answers.

Discussion Question 2: Cross Burning

Cross burning has been a controversial issue for many years. Do you believe cross burning is a good or bad form of expression? Why?

 In your opinion, does cross burning intimidate racial minorities? Explain your answer.

Provide statistical data, sociological findings, research, or important case law to support your answers. 

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