Buy Coursework: Coursework Writing- Compared to the other pedagogical philosophies you have read and discussed in this course, how much support does global education have among today’s educators?

Buy Coursework: Coursework Writing- Compared to the other pedagogical philosophies you have read and discussed in this course, how much support does global education have among today’s educators?

  • What reasons justify that we (American educators) should take a global view of education? Are there any reasons why we should NOT take this view?
  • How does global education differ from “multicultural education” in both purpose and form?
  • How does global education affect the methodologies that are present in our classrooms today? Do they support or diminish their effective influence on student achievement?
  • How does a global view of education coincide with the academic expectations of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) for the education of all students? Is this legislation a threat to the idea of incorporating a global view of education within American schools today? Why or why not?
  • Compared to the other pedagogical philosophies you have read and discussed in this course, how much support does global education have among today’s educators? Does today’s educator embrace all that a global education can offer to our students or have we completely taken on a 21st Century idealistic perspective of how education should look within our schools?
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