Buy Coursework: Coursework Writing- A form of democratic government in which citizens meet together to discuss issues, come to a consensus and vote on legislation themselves

Buy Coursework: Coursework Writing- A form of democratic government in which citizens meet together to discuss issues, come to a consensus and vote on legislation themselves

authority is the exercise of power based on custom and heredity, such as an inherited crown among kings and queens.

One type of authority is, which is the exercise of power based on written rules, such as the American government’s constitution.

A form of democratic government in which citizens meet together to discuss issues, come to a consensus, and vote on legislation themselves is known as democracy.

refers to the tiny minority of top people in U.S. corporations, politics, and the military who make the nation’s major decisions and dominate American policymaking.

The purpose and goals of education that we are aware of and intend to bring beneficial social consequences are part of school ’s.

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