International Human Resource Management-Critically review and analyse the importance of HRM and its practices in an organisation, and how it can be linked with organisational behaviour activities in overcoming business issues and challenges for a better performance of the organisation.


International Human Resource Management


Module Learning Outcomes


Critically review and analyse the importance of HRM and its practices in an organisation, and how it can be linked with organisational behaviour activities in overcoming business issues and challenges for a better performance of the organisation.


Critically review and analyse the framework of leadership and consider the nature, strengths and weaknesses of the various approaches: traits; functional; behavioural; style; contingency. The continuum of leadership behaviour should be explored in some depth with consideration of the factors determining the chosen leadership style.


Discuss the concept of organisational behaviour and its interface with management. Review and critically synthesize the various influences on behaviour in organisations and the interface with management in integrating and balancing these.


Asses the role of IHRM and its impact on global organisation. Identify some of the key HRM challenges facing organisations working internationally. Discuss the prevalent HRM practices and integrating the best practices in global organisation.

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