Wedding Outcome-Consider the impact of the past, and the future on your decision as well as external influences

Business Management – Wedding Outcome


Consider the impact of the past, and the future on your decision as well as external influences.

***Current Focus of Request:

TOPICS for “Rained Out Wedding”

Present the business problem you have been working on. Next, provide a brief review of the impact of:

1) Past decision processes;

2) Future risks, impediments, or windfalls; and

3) Unexpected external impacts on your problem and chosen alternative/s.

Consider methods to improve your position by adjusting your decision or altering the impact of the 3 factors listed in this assignment.


· A formal business writing style is acceptable, including use of brief statements, lists, and bullets.

· Notice this discussion is worth 20 points! There are 13 points for your initial input and 7 points for enriching others with your responses.

· Respond briefly to 3 other students in an attempt to add to their content. Agreement with other’s thoughts will not count as content for the word count. Your input should be a minimum of 75 words for each response. There will be heavy penalties for too little relevant input.

· NOTE: Respond to the ideas, not the person.


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