Business Law-Case Analysis

Answer this Discussion Question with citation and references and No PLAGIARISM.

Required Content


Yates, R.A., Bereznicki-Korol, T., & Clarke, T. (2017). Business law in Canada (11th Canadian ed.). Don Mills, Ontario: Pearson Canada.

      • Chapter 5 pp.171-180 and  Chapter 16


Francis, D. (1996, March). Challenging Quebec’s language law. Maclean’s Magazine, 109(13). Retrieved from,cookie,ip,uid&db=a9h&AN=9603227507

Lee, M.D. (n.d.). Business advantages of diversity in the workplace. Retrieved from

Petrini, C. M. (1993). The language of diversity. Training & Development, 47(4), 35-37. Retrieved from

Vu, U. (2005). Multilingualism raises language policy questions. Canadian HR Reporter, 18(5), 1,5. Retrieved from

Anonymous. (2010). Commercial insurance: Managing risk in your business. Canadian Business, 83(15), 34-35,38,40. Retrieved from


Tong, a new immigrant from China, recently graduated with a BBA from Yorkville University. Her father, who is vice president of a factory in China producing unique rice and noodle sauces, is keen on opening up the Canadian market. Fortunately, Tong had made many friends in the BBA program who were somehow connected to the food service industry.

To make his case to the shareholders in China, Tong’s father wanted her to write-up all the requirements to legally sell their products in Canada, including packaging, labeling, insurance, and payment options. Tong came to you for help.

What would be the most important points for Tong and her father to consider to ensure they have all the kinds of information they might need to be successful in this venture?

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