They should be approximately 5 pages double spaced. The first one should be on a topic related to the first half of the course. They should be approximately 5 pages double spaced. The first one should be on a topic related to the first half of the course
General Instructions:
- · Write the paper in Microsoft Word or an equivalent word processing program.
- · After you finish the assignment, name your file Last name RP# where # is a 1 or a 2
- · Upload it to the Research Papers Submission Folder on Blackboard.
Paper Structure:
The paper should have four sections:
1. Introduction: includes purpose, scope (you are probably not going to consider every part of the topic) and your approach to writing it up. I always write this after I have written the rest of the paper. Less than 1 page.
2. Review of Literature. Begin with your textbook and then do a google search and include information that you find on the internet. Summarize the textbook material and the information you find on the internet. There should be a minimum of three citations in the Review of Literature. A citation is embedded in the text pointing to one of your entries in the List of References. A citation is usually in parentheses and consists of an author’s name for a book or article, or a title if there is no author, or an abbreviated website name. It is followed by a year if available and a page number or other location within the reference. The Review of Literature hopefully will find some differences of opinion which you will choose between in the Section labeled Opinion and Analysis (next). Of special interest is any discussion about economics in relation to your topic. Be sure to refer to your References in the Review. About 3 pages.
- Your opinion about the topic. You will not be graded on what your opinion is, but on how you express it and how you relate it to the literature. Less than one page.
- List of References. There should be one reference for each citation. Entries in the List of References for which there is no citation should be RARE. Less than one page