Business Analytics-Assignment 2: Comparative Analysis

Assignment 2: Comparative Analysis

Length: The word limit it would be 2500 words. Each Table or Figure is counted as 50 words + the number of words in its caption. The words in summary report are counted but the words in the table of content are not counted.

Weight Criterion Details
2 marks Company Information Detailed background information of the company including size, business type, areas of operations, competitors etc. If you have collected the data from the websites and you don’t know the company information, you can discuss here who can benefit from your analysis and who can use your analysis in decision making.
5 marks Identify the problem Clearly explain the problem and assumptions. Clarity and comprehensiveness of the problem identification and relevance of business analytics should be addressed. You need to explain what are your focus and aims of your analyses and clearly state why the analyses that you are doing are important.
5 marks Literature review Detailed information about the chosen topic using journal articles, books etc. Why is this topic chosen? Current status of the topic in the selected company. Here you can look for some articles related to your problem to further discuss the problem or techniques to see how other people used business analytics to address similar problems. For example if you are looking at predicting the number of passengers for an airline, you can search in published articles to see how others used analytical methods for doing prediction of number of passengers.
4 marks Data Collection The comprehensiveness of the data collected for the project analysis. You are required to collect real data for the chosen topic. Students should use different resources for collecting data: internet, company reports, etc. You can collect the data from the organisation or company that you know or you can search to find some data online.
9 marks Analysis and Discussion Show all analysis based on the collected data. Compare the current situation and your findings. Here make sure you use the techniques and principles that you learned in our course correctly. To compare with the current situation, you may discuss if your analysis is not used in decision making what would be the consequence (therefore, here you need to show the impact of your analysis). You can apply one or multiple techniques that we had in business analytics course.
4 marks Recommendations Discuss the practical implications of the solution and how to improve the overall performance. Here you need to provide some recommendations based on your analyses and explain how your analyses can improve the decision making and performance.
6 marks Overall presentation of the assignment Clarity of presentation and the sequence of the topics, including:

•Correct referencing (not including in word count limitations)

• Executive summary

• Table of contents (not including in word count limitations)

• List of figures/tables (not including in word count limitations)

• Page numbering

• Cover sheet (not including in word count limitations)

• Appendix (if any)

35 Marks Total





Details: Your Word document is your report and the excel file would be a supportive document, and you may refer to that in the Word document for further details.

For this assignment you are required to study the business analytics practices of a real company or organisation. You can choose any of the discussed areas in this course.




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