buciness analysis

Assignment/Case Study Grading Guide:

buciness analysis

Total available points is 50

*IMPORTANT NOTE: any sources cited in assignments must be reputable websites (.org, .gov, etc) or available in full article/pdf on Google Scholar or WKU libraries. No blogs or random internet resources will be allowed and paper will be rejected.

10 points: follows APA formatting to include items such as Running Header, page numbers, Title page, Abstract page, Times New Roman 12 point font, double spacing and References page with references and in text citing of sources in proper APA format.

10 points: document has minimal grammar and spelling mistakes. All assignments are expected to be presented in a well presented and scholarly manner, attached Word document.

30 points: paper follows general guidelines and expectations. Student thoroughly and adequately addresses topics and questions in a scholarly manner, utilizing cited sources in a manner that further enhances the product submitted.

*Note: late submissions not accepted. Grade of zero (0) is given but assignment can be submitted as one allowed makeup/redo submission for this course.

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