BSBMKG511 Analyse data from international markets-C5372 – Diploma in International Business

Assessment Instructions


Assessment Task 1 – (Write Opportunity Report) – Identify Trademap product data

Date handed out:  Week 3

Date and time due: Week 7

Group or Individual: This is an individual assessment to be completed by each student



This assessment aims to identify student’s ability to analyse secondary data and interpret trends for international market opportunities. This will provide students with a working knowledge of real-world international market data.



Students are required to produce a short opportunity report that will show how they analyse data and determine international market trends. The report will be per student based on primarily Trademap (& dfat) data and is to be no more than 750 – 1000 words in total.


  Special requirements

Students must adhere to both the prescribed assignment format and special requirements below:-

  • RMIT assignment cover sheet – Electronic submission wording:
  • Use Arial font type and size 11pt
  • Minimum one and a half line spacing
  • Use only black font colour – (except graphs)
  • The assignment must be typed print (not hand written)
  • Pages must be numbered
  • Spelling and grammar checked
  • Title page
  • A bibliography page and all information used or cited in your major assignment and MUST be

Referenced per formal Harvard style as available on RMIT University website (where applicable)

  • Information must be well presented in a clear, concise, logical and business-like manner, using clear English expression and report style.
  • Please note that the main assignment will require communication between groups as to what info will be contributed to the major assessment from this version.




Students will be required to undertake desktop research using Trademap data sets from the Trade data website. A report is to be written that clearly identify trends applicable for an international opportunity. Fully referenced data within the report using Harvard referencing as provided as a link in the course guide is required.











1         Assessment 1


The following list of websites will assist you to find your information


Part A –  Tasks:

This report is in two parts and aims to identify opportunities for product import/export in writing this report choose a country that is within Australia’s top 5 trading partners. At this stage (for Q1-3) any country of your choice. Please write short paragraphs with dot-points of key findings.


  1. Write a short overview of the existing trade (for both imports and exports Australia has with your chosen country). (select no-more than 10 products (5 products that are Imported & 5 that are Exported)

From the above identify appropriate graphs showing 5 of each categories of goods and

  1. services imported and exported from this country. Explain each graph as appropriate.
  2. Please show on an appropriate graph what the value of $1AUD against your chosen country’s currency looks like. You should show a graph for both one year and the last 5 years and explain how the Australian dollar has fluctuated in this time against your chosen country’s currency.

Part-  B

  1. Identify from the following list one product from the category (from those listed below) and then:
  • Identify the importance of the trade partner
  • The range of categories and the types of trading (ie, import/export and No. of products within a category)
  • Also, volume and percentage change applicable to each category for a five year cycle,
  • including your chosen product and growth in that market cycle
  • What is the competitive market structure (identify competing countries for the product)
  • Who are they supplying to in that category
  • Can you identify reasons

Categories are either:

  • Fashion (Sportswear) (Pick only ONE product in this category…eg, Active Wear)
  • For Q5. Ensure you only use the following list of countries to answer the dot point items listed:
  • From any country that identifies volume of more than 2% (two per centum) Per -Annum.
  • May include specific areas of Asia – China, Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan.
  1. Identify potential predictions of trends of trade imports and exports of items that have more than 3% volume with your chosen country? Based on Q4 category info, please discuss and use appropriate graphs.



Word count is to be between 750 – 1000 words (graphs and appendix lists – do not count as word count) NB* All graphs are to be explained as to their information detail

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