BSBADM503: Assessment 2

What you have to do

For this assignment you will have to produce a report which addresses the conference follow up and recommendations for improvement. It is important that you use standard business report layout including:

  • a title page
  • table of contents
  • introduction
  • body of report (side headings and information)
  • conclusion
  • recommendations
  • appendices (attachments, such as sample survey form)




Look back on the conference you planned in Assessment 1. Think about what could have gone wrong in your conference plans and reflect on what could be improved.

What you have to do

For this assessment you will be required to produce a report which addresses the conference follow up and makes recommendations for improvement.

For the purpose of this assessment assume that changes were made to the conference program due to unforeseen circumstances.


The report must include the following five (5) items:


1) Details of changes to the conference program, including:

  • the special needs of participants addressed, for example dietary and access requirements
  • what action was taken to address these needs
  • session time and location changes
  • additional catering requirements
  • speaker cancellation





2) The report must also present simulated results of the evaluation survey developed in Assessment 1:

  • Select survey questions which can be easily presented in a graph and include this graph in the report.
  • Discuss the results of the survey in the body of the report


3) A discussion of the changes made to the budget, including:

  • Additional or reduced expenses
  • Unexpected costs

Also include an updated and final budget as an Appendix.


4) Recommendations for improvement to assist in the success of future conferences.


5) A sample completed evaluation form from a conference participant as an Appendix.





I have:

  • completed all parts of the report
  • included a sample survey response


If you are unable to complete this task for a specific reason, please contact your teacher to discuss alternative arrangements for demonstrating your skills and knowledge.




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