Breaking News

Breaking News

In today’s media landscape, the needs to make quick decisions require that media practitioners have a keen sense of media ethics to understand how they should proceed in disseminating information to the public, especially in regards to social media. Over the course of the week, pay attention to news media, such as websites and network television news, and evaluate how they broadcast “breaking news.” Choose one story that appeared on two different media sources. For instance, the story appeared on CNN and also on ABC News. Then, using the codes in Appendices One, Two, Three, and Four from the textbook, choose a set of ethical codes by which you analyze the breaking news.

To help you know when news is breaking, try setting alerts on your smartphone to be notified by using various networks’ free apps. If you use social media, you can also connect to their newsfeeds and be alerted. When you receive the coverage, make notes about it and consider the ethical guidelines that you believe were followed or violated. In a two- to three-page paper, address the following:

· Identify a recent breaking news story and two media sources the story appeared in.

· Discuss a set of ethical codes used in the analysis of the breaking news story.

· Discuss any issues with objectivity, perspective, and bias that were present in the reports.

· Using the set of codes you chose from Appendices One, Two, Three, and Four from the textbook, discuss how those ethical codes were adhered to in the reporting of the story.

· Using the set of codes you chose from Appendices One, Two, Three, and Four from the textbook, discuss how those ethical codes were violated in the reporting of the story.

The assignment must be completed using the APA style format and must include a title page, in-text citations, and a full list of references at the end. You must cite at least one reference from the textbook and at least one reference from scholarly outside reading material. References for each of the stories must also be included.

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