Assessment Task 3

Write a report of not more than 3000 words which explains your research method for undertaking the research project outlined in Assessment Task 1 above. You will use accurate research-based terminology, theoretical concepts and academic references to describe and justify your chosen method, Quantitative in this case. You must argue that your selected research method is an appropriate approach for conducting research to address your research problem. You must also justify your research design as well as comprehensively explaining and justifying your chosen data collection method, Quantitative in this case.

This final assessment task will build upon the content of Assessment Task 1. Upon completion, it should provide a basis for developing a research thesis, including a concise review of the literature, the problem statement and a detailed explanation of the research methods to be used. You need to include at least 8-10 references to both the core text and the academic literature.


Assignments must be written in Calibri 12 point font, using 1.5 line spacing. Paragraphs must be fully justified at both the left and right margin. Your left and right margins should be set to 3.5 cm to allow space for comments to be made by the examiner.


  • Explain your research method for undertaking the research project outlined in Assessment Task 1. This report (max of 3000 words) should build upon the content of Assessment Task 1.
  • You will use accurate research-based terminology, theoretical concepts and academic references to describe and justify your chosen method.
  • You must argue that your selected research method is an appropriate approach for conducting research to address your research problem, as outlined in your problem statement.
  • You must also justify your research design as well as comprehensively explaining and justifying your chosen data collection method.
  • Include a brief review of the literature.


Suggested Structure

  • Title
  • Problem Statement
  • Research Objectives
  • Brief Literature Review/Discussion of Prior Work.
  • Research Design and Methods [this should cover research design, methodology, sampling, data collection methods and how data will be analysed).
  • Justification of Research Design and Methods.


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