2. Your book reviews each should be approximately 1000 words (this is about 4 pages, double spaced, times new roman font) and written on Microsoft Word. You will upload the document to the D2L assignments box.
3. A book review is not just a “summary” of the book’s contents. As the name implies, you are to “review” the book you have selected.
4. Write clearly and hand in a product you can be proud of when you are done. Grading will include your thoughtful responses to the questions below and grammar, style, and clarity. Proofread your work many times, and then do it once more before hitting send. Have you said what you want to say, and have you done it clearly?
5. Be sure to include the “publication data” for the book you review: publisher and place of publication, and copyright date, in addition to the title and the author’s name at the top of your review. It should look like this: