Best Essay Writing Services:Appraise the current state of research  and the opportunities for new research that would further the field

Best Essay Writing Services:Appraise the current state of research  and the opportunities for new research that would further the field

Appraise the current state of research (where are we now according to the literature) and the opportunities for new research that would further the field. Your appraisal might propose supported relationships between concepts or factors in the written research that have not yet been tested. Or, your appraisal might defend the existence of apparent gaps or contradictions in the existing research. Grading assessment of this item will consider the clarity of your arguments and strength of your documented support for the proposed relationship or apparent gaps and contradictions. For example, if you propose that no one has clarified whether transformational leadership is inherently ethical, then you need to make that connection (support) from each piece of literature that you review.

· Propose the next step(s) to address identified problems or opportunities. Building from the currently unresearched relationships or gap you defended in the literature review of your topic, articulate a general framework for how you might address the gap or test the relationships. Include possible benefits to both the academic discipline and professional practice that your proposed research or next steps would provide. Grading assessment of this item will consider the persuasiveness of your proposed framework and benefits.

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