Best Essay Writing Services-Written Assignment

Best Essay Writing Services-Written Assignment=Chapter 7 Written Assignment


  1. You want to encourage your younger sibling to engage in safe sex when the time comes for them to become sexually active. You know this is a domain where they may experience strong peer pressure from a partner to “be spontaneous” and to forget safe sex practices. Drawing on work on attitude inoculation, reactance theory, and any other material from Chapter 7 that you deem appropriate, describe how you could create a structured approach to encourage them to engage in safe sex practices. Explain why you feel that your approach would be effective based on the textbook’s discussion of these concepts.


  1. Imagine you work in a marketing firm that creates advertisements for many types of companies.
    1. Your assignment is to market a new candy bar. Which route to persuasion might you use and why? What strategies might you use?
    2. Now, your next assignment is to market a new antacid pill that prevents heartburn and only needs to be taken once a week (unlike many of the current products). Which route to persuasion might you use and why? What strategies might you use?
    3. Finally, your next assignment is to market a wristwatch. What kinds of things do you want to know about this product in order to determine the most effective marketing strategy? How might your route to persuasion and marketing strategies change according to the features of the wristwatch
  2. Provide a personal example of attitudes you have that are:
    1. cognitively based
    2. affectively based
    3. behaviorally based
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