Best Essay Writing Services: What specific roles do women seem to have played in the life of Heracles?

Best Essay Writing Services: What specific roles do women seem to have played in the life of Heracles?

1. How do the modern and ancient Greek uses of the word "hero" differ? Why is knowing these

differences important for your study of Greek myth?

2. Your little brother likes myth. He tells you he read somewhere that all myths explain things,

like the names of areas and cities, and so forth. You know that this isn't entirely true, but you

want to encourage him. Cite five examples of mythic etiology from the Perseus story

3. Explain what is meant by this: "If the story of Zeus and Amphitryon does descend from the

Egyptian, it is a good example of the 'downgrading' of a traditional tale." What Egyptian tale is

being referred to, and what is meant by "downgrading"?

4. Summarize Freud and Bachofen's theory of the slaying of Medusa. What are some of the

difficulties with their views?

5. What specific roles do women seem to have played in the life of Heracles? What do these

stories indicate about the position of women in Greek society in general?

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