Best Essay Writing Services: Present an overview of the medication Prep (Truvada) and discuss the pros and cons of the use of this medication in the prevention of communicable and infectious disease.

Best Essay Writing Services: Present an overview of the medication Prep (Truvada) and discuss the pros and cons of the use of this medication in the prevention of communicable and infectious disease.

define communicable and infectious disease.

Discuss if there is any similarity and how they related each other. Give some example of communicable disease and infectious disease and why they are classified like that.

2. Discuss the vaccination requirement in our state and tell me if they are given to prevent communicable of infectious disease. Give examples.

3. Discuss why is no a “typical” STI(Sexually Transmitted Disease/Infection) patient. Why does the presence of STI greatly increased the risk of HIV transmission?

4. Present an overview of the medication Prep (Truvada) and discuss the pros and cons of the use of this medication in the prevention of communicable and infectious disease.

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