Best Essay Writing Services:  List a good eating pattern for toddlers.

Best Essay Writing Services:  List a good eating pattern for toddlers.

1.  Describe toddlers and preschoolers.

2.  Define neophobic.

3.  List three (3) things a teacher is responsible for when feeding a toddler.  List two (2) things for which the child is responsible.

4.  Why should you NOT try to force a toddler to eat or be overly concerned if children are suddenly eating less?

5.  Explain the results of spacing meals too far apart and too close together.

6.  List a good eating pattern for toddlers.

7.  Name several healthy snack choices for toddlers and young children.

8.  List several suggestions for making eating time comfortable, pleasant and safe.

9.  What changes about eating habits when a toddler develops into a preschooler?

10.  Define Down syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome.

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