Best Essay Writing Services: Examine customer reviews and find an organization that is currently using CRM product and why it has chosen this product.

Best Essay Writing Services: Examine customer reviews and find an organization that is currently using CRM product and why it has chosen this product.

As a continuation of the Microsoft Dynamics topic in the previous module:

Select one of their four major ERP products (AX, GP, NAV, SL, or CRM), and write a detailed report about the MS Dynamics ERP you have selected and its associated models.

·  Explain the functions associated and how the different models integrate with each other to create this ERP.

·  Examine customer reviews and find an organization that is currently using CRM product and why it has chosen this product.

·  It would be an added value if you could reflect on what features have been the most beneficial for the organization, and what technical and operational advantages this particular product is giving them over similar products.


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