Best Essay Writing Services: Describe fully the functions of renal medulla and Renal pelvis

Best Essay Writing Services: Describe fully the functions of renal medulla and Renal pelvis

Describe fully the functions of the following parts

a. Renal pelvis

b. renal medulla

c. renal cortex

d. calyx

a. urethra

b. collecting tube

c. trigone

d. ureter

a. uretha

b. collecting tube

c. ureter

d. bladder

4. Which pair of chromosomes would result in the birth of a male?

a. XX

b. XY

c. YY

d. XZ

5. What are the three processes necessary for the formation of urine?

a. intake, concentration, and output

b. chemical, muscular, and neural action

c. filtration, reabsorption, and secretion

d. arterioles, nephrons, and venules

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