Best Essay Writing Services: Counseling and Change Theories-How has your understanding of counseling theory and change theories expanded this term?

.Best Essay Writing Services: Counseling and Change Theories-How has your understanding of counseling theory and change theories expanded this term?

Unit 10 Discussion 2

Counseling Theory and Change Theories

Read the Discussion Participation Scoring Guide to learn how the instructor will evaluate your discussion participation throughout this course.

Reflect on your understanding of addictions from the beginning of our course.

Consider rereading some of your early discussion posts from the first three units to refresh your memory.

How has your understanding of counseling theory and change theories expanded this term?

Which readings, activities, or resources had the most impact on solidifying your understanding?

Unit 10 Discussion 1

Additional Theories

Read the Discussion Participation Scoring Guide to learn how the instructor will evaluate your discussion participation throughout this course.

For this discussion, select one of the theories described in your text in the assigned readings for this unit.

Describe how it may be applied to the case you used for your case study assignment, noting how specific interventions would support treatment goals from your treatment plan

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