Best Essay Writing Services: Consumer Decision Process

Best Essay Writing Services: Consumer Decision Process

The Consumer Decision Process will be outlined, explored and exemplified.  Based on the readings (from the course text, the area of resources marked “start here” and the Learning Resource list), complete the questions below.  Utilize headings to organize your responses.  Research outside sources, cite within your text answer and then fully cite the source at the bottom of your response.


Let’s explore what the Consumer Decision Process is by examining a recent purchase that you have made.  This should be a purchase that involved (in some detail) each of the five stages.  This means it’s a past purchase (because you need to reflect on the last stage; Postpurchase).  Organize this part of your post using these specific headings:

a) Problem Recognition

b) Information Search

c) Alternative Evaluation

d) Purchase

e) Postpurchase

Within each heading take us through this single purchase experience.  USE CONCEPTS from the readings (placing the concepts in bold), to describe some of your observations.  Here are some required concepts that should be used for each of the above:

Problem Recognition: What is the desired state?  What is the actual state?  (use brands to describe these states).  Identify the major motive/need that is underlying this purchase.

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