Best Dissertation and Thesis Help-10 Strategic Points Quantitative Study Extraction

Best Dissertation and Thesis Help-10 Strategic Points Quantitative Study Extraction


Complete the “Evaluation” section of the template by addressing the following questions (250-500 words) with regard to the 10 strategic points in the study:

  1. Describe the quantitative design used and why it is appropriate for the identified problem and research questions. Support your response with a peer-reviewed citation from a research source.


  1. Assess the appropriateness of the instruments used to collect data and answer the research questions as well as to address the stated problem.


  1. Discuss how the problem statement informed the development of the purpose statement in this study.
  1. Discuss the key points in the literature review and how the author used this section to identify the gap or problem addressed in the study.


  1. Describe the variables under study and how they are a key component in this quantitative research study. You are not expected to understand the differences between variables at this point, but should be able to identify how they inform the problem, purpose, research questions and data collection instruments.


  1. Describe the problem and how it informed the research questions under study.


In the prospectus, proposal, and dissertation there are 10 strategic points that need to be clear, simple, correct, and aligned to ensure the research is doable, valuable, and credible. These points, which provide a guide or vision for the research, are present in almost any research study. The ability to identify these points is one of the first skills required in the creation of a viable doctoral dissertation. In this assignment, you will identify and evaluate 10 strategic points in a published quantitative research study.

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