Assignment Writing Services-Proterozoic

Assignment Writing Services-Proterozoic

  1. A) Ediacarian Fauna
  2. i) how was it generated?
  3. ii) how did earth get out of it?
  4. Who are the first eukaryotes?
  5. Prokaryote vs Eukaryote
  6. Fauna
  7. i) how was it generated?
  8. ii) how did earth get out of it?
  9. Who are the first eukaryotes?
  10. Prokaryote vs Eukaryote
  11. Proterozoic Atmosphere
  12. A) role of cyanobacteria
  13. B) The Great Oxygenation Event
  14. C) Huronian Glaciation/Snowball Earth
  15. C) Importance of Eukaryotes in the history of life
  16. First craton?
  17. A) Name
  18. B) Where is it located now?
  19. C) The Great Unconformity
  20. First supercontinent?
  21. Cryogenian Ice Age/Snowball Earth
  22. A) Evidence
  23. B) Cause
  24. C) Why did it end?
  25. First Metazoans/Multicellular Life
  26. A) Differences
  27. B) Theory on how we moved from prokaryotic to eukaryotic
  28. i) Evidence
  29. B) Possible ways to move from unicellular to multicellular
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