The assignment task is to research and write an individual research paper of 2,500 words that examines and evaluates a selected aspect of a regulatory system in a business context in a national location of your choice

This assignment is an individual assignment.

The assignment task is to research and write an individual research paper of 2,500 words that examines and evaluates a selected aspect of a regulatory system in a business context in a national location of your choice.

Your research paper should:

  • examine the different meanings and limitations of regulation and regulatory factors in

your chosen regulatory system, and

  • discuss and evaluate the strategies that are designed to achieve compliance with the

regulatory requirements in that context.

The following questions may help you to structure your assignment, but not all of the questions will be relevant to every assignment. You do not need to answer all of the questions, and have flexibility in deciding your focus. You can also answer other questions that are not on this list if they are related to the broad theme of regulation and compliance.

  1. What is the regulatory context and what does regulation aim to achieve?
  2. If there is a public state regulator what are its priorities? What does it aim to achieve?

What strategies or mechanisms does it have at its disposal? How does it use those mechanisms? How does the regulator aim to encourage compliant behaviour? How is the regulator perceived by the regulated community?

  1. If there is no public regulator, how is this ‘business context’ regulated? Is there self- regulation? Is private enforcement available?
  2. Is there a perception that the ‘business context’ is over or under regulated? What are the consequences of over or under regulation in this ‘business context’?
  3. What strategies are adopted by businesses to achieve compliance (or non-compliance) with regulatory requirements in this ‘business context’? What is considered ‘best practice’ in relation to compliance in this ‘business context’?
  4. What could be changed in this system to achieve more effective outcomes? Why do you think this would work?

Some example topics to give you an idea: regulation of insider trading in Malaysia, the regulation of child labour in India, the regulation of business impacts on the environment in Australia, regulation of workplace safety in China, regulation of consumer protection in the United Kingdom.

Assignment Topic Selection: Students should send an email to teacher. identifying their topic with a brief dot point plan of their assignment . This is a check to ensure that you are on the right track.).


What’s Expected?

As a general guide, you will need to:

  • Demonstrate a reasonable depth of knowledge and understanding of your chosen area

of investigation.

  • Be able to identify possible deficiencies in the regulatory scheme and options for

reforming the scheme to address those deficiencies.

  • Provide evidence of close reading and engagement with the literature you have

examined. This may include journal articles, book chapters, reports, documentation produced by regulators, and on-line sources which you have obtained through your own research in relation to the topic.

  • Provide a well-structured, well expressed discussion which follows a logical sequence.
  • Provide your own considered view of the issues you discuss.
  • It is also important that you comply with the word limit.

Word limit: 2500 words (not including footnotes or bibliography).

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