Assignment Task Planned Dam Construction in Mekong Delta Region

Assignment Task
Planned Dam Construction in Mekong Delta Region
The planned construction of several dams across the length of the Mekong River in SE Asia
is likely to stimulate economic growth, but may impact upon the environment and local
people of the region. Please watch :-

Write a structured essay (ie. structured with a main title, author (your) name, a few subtitles
and at least six references (do not include the course study materials). The title of your
structured essay is to be :- ‘Viewpoints on the construction of dams in the Mekong Delta
i) Introduction/background – briefly describe the industry in the region, and the
value of this enterprise to the economy. Also describe the relevant social and
environmental impacts of this business activity (~300 words).
ii) Expression of a likely viewpoint of someone employed directly within the
industry, or someone in a secondary flow-on industry (~300 words)
iii) Expression of a likely viewpoint, from a local fisherman or environmental
lobbyist (~300 words)
iv) Expression of a likely viewpoint from a Chinese/Thai banker/politician/business
person (~300 words)
v) Conclusion/overview/recommendations (~300 words)
In points ii), iii) and iv) you may write in first or third person. Write for a hypothetical, not a
real person. In your research, demonstrate that you have considered and been guided by the
course learning objectives (listed above).
Marking criteria
Assessment of your assignment will be based on your ability to summarise a problem
concisely, and also your ability to recognise, understand the viewpoints of others. Marks will
be awarded according to the following marking/feedback rubric :-

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