Assignment Papers-Why do you think religiously motivated violence has increased in recent decades? Why do you think people commit such acts?

Assignment Papers-Why do you think religiously motivated violence has increased in recent decades? Why do you think people commit such acts?

Why do we label some religions as cults? Do you think this term should be used to describe any religious groups? If so, in what cases?

Question 5: Do you think mind control is possible?

Should there by any limits to the free exercise of religion? If so, what?

Are UFO religions really religions? Why or whynot? In what ways are descriptions of alien abductions descriptions of areligious experience?

The past decades in the United States have seena decline in membership in traditional mainstream religions but an increase inmembership in both New Age/Pagan religions and fundamentalist religions. Inwhat ways are these two types of religious movements very different? In whatways are they similar? Why do you think they have been popular whiletraditional religions have declined?

QWhy do you think religiously motivated violence has increased in recent decades? Why do you think people commit such acts?

Mark Jurgensmeyer argues that acts of religious terrorism are highly symbolic and can be analyzed in much the same way that religious ritual is. What are the symbolic elements of such an act? In what ways are they like rituals?

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